
The year is 1550. For nearly one hundred years, Japan has been in a continuous state of civil war. The country is fractured into a hundred miniature nation-states known as clans — familial groups bound by blood and honor. The Sengoku period, as this civil war is known, is a time of great disunity and cruelty.

This instability stems from a growing weakness and erosion of respect for the Imperial Court. As such, daimyo (clan leaders) instead look for guidance from the military dictator appointed by the Emperor: the shogun.

In an extreme turn of events, the tangible martial strength of the shogun eclipsed the divine authority of the emperor, and so whomever is shogun is rather revered the ruler of all Japan. Daimyos thus clamored for one hundred years and cut up thousands of their own brothers in pursuit of this title. To be shogun is to be supreme. Immortal. Omnipotent.

However, the current shogun is just as feeble as the emperor he commands. A new clan must take up the mantle and unify the nation. Only through bloody, triumphant battle can this peace be attained.

And so begins this nation roleplaying game: take control of a major clan from this era of anarchic upheaval and do your part to restore order. Destroy your rivals and claim the title of Shogun!