D&D Quirk Tables


1Barbedof BarbsAfter an attack roll, the bearer may use their reaction to add 1d4 to the damage roll and take 1d4 damage.
2Bloodthirstyof BloodlustThis item's magical properties function only if fresh blood from a humanoid has been applied to it within the past 24 hours. It needs only a drop to activate.
3Brittleof Poor CraftsmanshipThis weapon was clearly created by a blacksmith in training. Treat this weapon as a -1.
4Crooningof CrooningWhenever this item is struck or is used to strike a foe, its bearer hears a fragment of an ancient song.
5Decrepitof Decrepit QualityThis weapon crumbles, frays, chips, or cracks slightly when wielded. This quirk has no effect on its properties, but if the item has seen much use, it looks broken.
6Directionalof DirectionThe wielder can use an action to learn which way is north.
7Eagerof the Same WavelengthThe first person to touch this item attunes to it immediately.
8Executioner'sof ExecutingIf this weapon deals the killing blow to an enemy, heal for half the damage dealt.
9Foolishof the FoolThose hit with this weapon are inflicted with -2 Intelligence for 1d4 rounds. This weapon has 1d4 unreplenishable charges.
10Inscribedof InscriptionA message is hidden somewhere on the item. It might be visible only at a certain time of the year, under the light of one phase of the moon, or in a specific location.
11Lawman'sof the LawRequires attunement by a Lawful character. This weapon acts as a +1 against foes who are not Lawful.
12Mercifulof MercyThis weapon cannot bring a creature below 1 HP.
13Mutteringof MutteringThe item grumbles and mutters. A creature who listens carefully to the item might learn something useful.
14Sentinel'sof ForewarningChoose a kind of creature that is an enemy of the item's creator. This item glows faintly when such creatures are within 120 feet of it.
15Vengefulof VengeanceDeal +1 to hit against targets which have already injured you.


1Blessedof Holy RetributionHeal for half of damage dealt when critting an enemy.
2Conscientiousof the ConscientiousWhen the bearer of this item contemplates or undertakes a malevolent act, the item heightens the bearer's conscience to refrain.
3Glassof GlassThis weapon deals +2 against AC while bearer's HP is above 15 and -2 against AC while bearer's HP is at or below 15.
4Marksman'sof SnipingWhen first attuning to this weapon, roll 1d20. The result becomes an additional critical hit value. This additional value is not reset upon unattunement.
5Necroticof the DeadThe bearer may substitute their normal weapon's damage for a +1 using necrotic.
6Paralyzingof ParalysisIf attack roll exceeds foe's AC by 3 or more, call a 1d4 to paralyze them for 2 turns.
7Possessiveof Possession ObsessionThe item demands attunement when first wielded, and it doesn't allow its bearer to attune to other items. (Other items already attuned to the bearer remain so until their attunement ends.)
8Preacher'sof the PreacherThis weapon increases the bearer's Channel Divinity range by 5 feet.
9Slothfulof SlothThe bearer of this item feels slothful and lethargic. While attuned to the item, the bearer requires 10 hours to finish a long rest.
10Wickedof WickednessWhen the bearer is presented with an opportunity to act in a selfish or malevolent way, the item heightens the bearer's urge to do so.


1Aquaticof Aquatic AffinityThis armor easily floats on water and other liquids. Its wearer has advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to swim.
2Chlorophyllicof ChlorophyllThe wearer of this regains +1 HP per hour as long as they're within bright sunlight.
3Coldsnapof the SnowThe wearer suffers no harm in temperatures as cold as -20 degrees Fahrenheit.
4Divineof Divine ProtectionWhen wearer dies, resurrect to full health and restore all spell slots. The item crumbles into pieces and cannot be repaired after this one-time use.
5Hunter'sof StalkingDonning this item alerts its original owner, an assassin, who will ceaselessly track the wearer until the assassin retrieves their lost item.
6Master'sof ServantsImbued with 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Unseen Servant spell (1st level).
7Proselytizingof ProselytismThe wearer gains +2 Religion while quoting religious scriptures and texts.
8Slipperyof SlipperinessDonning and doffing this article costs no action.
9Swelteringof the SandsThe wearer suffers no harm in temperatures as warm as 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
10True Love'sof InfatuationThe wearer falls in love with the first person they see after putting this on.
11Unintelligibleof GruntingThe wearer can only communicate through grunts and guttural noises while this is worn.
12Vulnerableof VulnerabilityThis accoutrement confers -5 AC to its wearer. Doffing the item removes this penalty after 1 hour.
13War Leader'sof the War LeaderThe wearer can use an action to cause his or her voice to carry clearly for up to 300 feet until the end of the wearer's next turn.


1Academicof the Mage's CollegeThe wearer gains +1 Arcana per each book in their inventory, up to a maximum of +3.
2Candidof HonestyWhile worn, the wearer is unable to lie.
3Drunkard'sof the DrunkardThe wearer of this always knows where the nearest alcoholic beverage is.
4Fieryof the Burning LegionThe wearer takes 1d4 fire damage every round.
5Holeywith HolesThis article is riddled with holes. Unless you're looking to complete a beggar disguise or freeze your butt off, wear something else.
6Manifestof Spectral RiftThe wearer may interact with illusion magics as if they were physically present, but only using the affected article (ex. boots to walk on stuff, gloves to pick them up).
7Menacingof MenacingThis fearsome vestment confers +1 Intimidation against humanoids.
8Nobleman'sof NobilityWhile donning this genuine royal article, you can access most noble institutions without question.
9Occultof the OccultThis garment is imbued with a special malediction to enhance spells from the Necromancy school of magic. Once per long rest, the wearer may use Spare the Dying for no action cost.
10Salesman'sof the Merchant GuildThe wearer receives +1 to Persuasion checks relating to buying, selling, and dealmaking.
11Senator'sof the SenateThe wearer receives +1 to all Persuasion checks around politicians or when asserting something political.
12Spotlessof ImmaculacyThis item never gets dirty.
13Waterloggedof SaturationNo matter how long this article sits in the sun or how many times it's wrung dry, this garment always feels incredibly damp.


1Alluringof AllureThis piece invites all who lays eyes on it to attempt to put it on.
2Chivalrousof ChivalryThe wearer gains +1 to Persuasion checks involving honor. Use it to egg someone into combat, or drop their weapon. The honorable choice is yours.
3Circadianof Circadian ConquestGain +1 to Survival and Medicine rolls during the day and -1 to those rolls at night.
4Dragoman'sof InterpretingThe wearer can speak and understand a language of the DM's choice.
5Effervescentof VitalityThe wearer's maximum hit points increases by their Constitution modifier while attuned to this item. These hit points are lost when the wearer unattunes the item.
6Guardianof AlertnessThis item whispers warnings to its wearer, granting a +2 bonus to initiative if the wearer isn't incapacitated.
7Intruigingof IntrigueGain +1 to Investigation rolls concerning surveillance and spying.
8Luxuriousof LuxuryA high mark of nobility and riches, be careful not to be caught out at night with this on.
9Selfishof SelfishnessOnce per long rest, this item can be activated to take away 1 AC from each of your allies and add it to your total until the end of combat.
10Unbreakableof EternityThis item is conventionally indestructible. Unable to be broken, except by special means.
11Unluckyof MisfortuneWhile attuned to this item, the wearer receives a strong sense of security. However, any time something bad happens to the party, the wearer takes the most punishment.
12Waterbendingof WaterbendingThe wearer may cast 1d2 unreplenishable charges of level 1 Create or Destroy Water, regardless of class.


1Appetizingof HealthConsume this to restore 1d4 HP on the fly.
2Bitterof BitternessThe sheer bitterness of this item makes any consumer think twice before ingesting it.
3Blandof BlandnessIt's almost offensive how mediocre and bland this tastes.
4Burntof Charred Texture...Is it even possible to burn this? However the mastermind did it, this item is nigh inedible. Only eat when desperate.
5Crispyof CrispinessAh... crispy. Wait, is this supposed to be crispy? That's unsettling.
6Dryof Parched TextureThis is so dry and unappealing that its magical power comes through only half as strong when ingested.
7Expiredof Mortal ConsequenceThis item has spoiled far beyond belief. Unless the consumer has a particularly strong stomach (or Constitution above 18), this cannot be eaten.
8Meatwith MeatGotta eat your protein to grow up big and strong! Vegetarians need not apply.
9Rawof RawnessYou may be hungry, but your stomach would prefer something cooked. You may actually get sick from eating this, to be honest.
10Sourof SournessSour! Not particularly bad, just off-putting in the wrong circumstances.
11Spicyof SpiceA sure kick to the palate. To those unacquainted with such heat, a good prank. To spice connoisseurs, a lacking presentation.
12Squeak andand SqueakThis recipe includes a hefty side of potatoes and cabbage, a local dish known as squeak. Time to chow down!
13Stir-FriedStir-FryA unique foreign cooking style makes for a welcome palate cleanser.
14Sweet Berrywith Berry SauceFragrant and fruity. Made with only the finest Albinean berries.
15Vegetablewith VegetablesA side of vegetables is never a bad idea. Your gut will thank you.


1Alcoholicwith AlcoholA drink worthy of song! Drink enough of this and you'll be capable of skipping ahead a few hours. You may wake up with a searing headache, though.
2Bottledin a BottleA serving packaged into a container for your traveling convenience. Single use only. Non-reusable.
3Cheapof Low CostThe quality of this beverage might have suffered at the expense of its low price. Sometimes you get what you pay for.
4HotServed HotSome things are just better when they're warm. This drink is no different.
5Icedon the RocksNothing quenches thirst quite like a cold drink on a hot day. And with a drink like this, any day feels like a hot day.
6Invigoratingof VigorA serving of this will confer +1 on the consumer's next Athletics check.
7Refreshingof RefreshmentThis drink is sure to energize even the most tired of travelers. Take a sip and recover 1d4 HP in addition to feeling like you've slept for 4 hours.
8Thirst-Quenchingof HydrationThis drink hits the spot better than most. Time to kick back and relax.


1Agileof AgilityThis potion delivers a kick of concentrated high-energy to improve speed by 10 feet for 1 hour.
2Blinkof TeleportingTeleport to a location within line of sight and no more than 30’ away.
3Greaterof Greater QualityWhether it was the quality ingredients or the expert distillation, this potion was so well made that any restorative properties it has are doubled.
4Healingof HealingDrink this potion to instantly recover 1d4 HP.
5Iron Stomachof Unpalatable ImmunityAfter drinking this, you can consume any rotten or gross food you like without repercussion for 1 hour. Poisons are still harmful.
6Lesserof Lesser QualityThis potion was likely the first brewings of an amateur alchemist. As such, its effects are only half as strong, and the consumer will be unable to consume anything else for 1d4 hours.
7Manaof ManaConsume this to recover one expended spell slot between 1st and 5th level.
8Youth-Sappingof AgingWhen consumed, age 1d10 years. Cannot be reversed, and cannot be refilled.


1All-Seeingof All-SeeingOnce per long rest, gain advantage on your next Insight check.
2Antiquarianof AntiquityThis trinket is covered in a thick layer of dust and... ancient residue. Perhaps someone more delicate can examine its past?
3Ascendantof AbscondingWhen not being held or stuffed in a bag, this item has a tendency to float towards the sky.
4Attractiveof Detect GravityWhen dropped, this item will fall towards the closest gravity well.
5Blasphemousof BlasphemingIt's unclear what cults use this as some instrument of divinity, but it is evident which religions find it offensive (hint: it's all of them).
6Blissfulof BlissWhile in possession of the item, the bearer feels fortunate and optimistic about what the future holds. Butterflies and other harmless creatures might frolic in the item's presence.
7Brokenof Shattered QualityDysfunctional and wholly useless. Might as well toss it out.
8Dazzlingof DazzlingThe phrase "stars in one's eyes" may seem figurative, but when wearing this, it's anything but. After attuning to it, the bearer is blinded with said stars until the trinket is removed.
9Featherfallof FeatherfallingWear this on your person to reduce fall damage by 1d6.
10Guardian'sof AlertnessThis item whispers warnings to its bearer, granting a +2 bonus to initiative if the bearer isn't incapacitated.
11Lethargicof Probable ReturnWhen thrown, this item will return to its user. Eventually.
12Miscalculatingof MiscalculationIf any creature within 10’ speaks a mathematical formula, this item will announce the answer... except the answer is wrong, but the item has a minor enchantment to convince others that it’s correct.
13Repulsiveof DisgustThe bearer feels a sense of distaste when in contact with the item, and continues to sense discomfort while bearing it.
14Valuableof Incredible WorthFind a shopkeep with the biggest pockets you can find, because this item will sell for more than usual.